Diego American Indian stories are brought to you by Southern California
American Indian Resource, SCAIR.
Empowerment Training SCAIR- TANF: 2012 By Roy Cook
There are rows of brown faces and there is much cultural diversity also evident in the Alpine Community Center. We meet under clear skies and warm March weather. Bill Johnson, SCAIR Board President opened the Empowerment Training event and then called upon SCAIR Senior advisor Randy Edmonds, Kiowa-Caddo, for his Traditional thoughts on Tribal family unity. Randy also presented the blessing for the Empowerment gathering this day.
Warm and welcoming
are the hot beverages and sweet refreshments available for the participants
to enjoy. SCAIR Project coordinator Frank Pancucci introduced Lynne Ray
Smith TANF site manager. Lynne thanked Dennis
As we approached the nutritional opportunity he called upon someone to provide a blessing. Since no one stepped up he reminded us that children learn from what they see. We need to set an example of truth and action. Also that prayer is essential to every event.
Finally, he encouraged a series of questions and opinions to be addressed to him from a personal level and tribal perspective. It was a very dynamic and enjoyable experience. This, event on 3/20/2012, is sponsored and coordinated by Southern California American Indian Resource Center, SCAIR administration and learning center. The SCAIR main office is located in Alpine and downtown San Diego. Wanda Michaelis is the Executive Director of Southern California American Indian Resource Center. SCAIR both administers and participated in partnership affiliations with: Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, TANF services. Both organizations are under the auspices of the Southern California Tribal Chairmans Association.
Finally, we thank
you all for being a part of the success of this Howard Rainer motivational
Empowerment Training gathering. |