4265 FAIRMOUNT AVE. SUITE. 140 SAN DIEGO CA 92105 619 281-5964 ext. 104
These are notes from the April 27, 2012 Council gathering at the Centro Cultural de la Raza.
Ozze Monge began by asking for introductions from those attending: Ozzie Monge -CCdlR, Preston Chipps- SDSU Alumni club made a brief appearance, Rose Davis- Indian Voices and 5 Muslim followers of the Minister Louis Farrakhan, Chemise Dempsey- Mental health program, Shirley and Henry Murphy -Taspan, Phillip Powers and Phil Konstantin with two other members of the Cherokee community, Chris Scott- SDAIHC, Vickie Gambala -Soaring Eagles, Randy Edmonds -Soaring Eagles, Henry Mendibles- SDSU Alumni club, Richard Orvedal -Soaring Eagles, Joaquin Sandoval and Roy Cook - American Indian Warrior Association. This is all I can recall and unfortunately, I did not have access to the sign-up sheet. Sorry if I missed your name. RC
Following the introductions Ozzie M. stated why we were here for this council meeting. This April 27, 2012 Council gathering was called to select individuals to work toward the goal of networking communication in the San Diego region and the Native American community at large. Council 'Officer' positions were all open for nomination.
He then called on Randy E. for a prayer for the day and a blessing for the food. There were real good Chinese wings and things and with a wide selections of beverages. All goodies were well received.
After the lunch the meeting was called back to order. Randy E. nominated Vickie G. for the office of president. Then things kind of went sideways. There was a goodly amount of dialogue on Robertss rule of order. There were Motions to table, withdrawal of the motion, positions and opinions as to the rationale of postponing the nominations for another month. Vickie G. spoke to the current role of the council and the two Holiday dinners. Shirley M. spoke to the issues of urban and rural points of view and the challenges thereof. She also replied, I recall a motion and second to table nominations and to extend elections for a month. I recall a date was set. Chris S. spoke to the issue of the ongoing HIV epidemic and the priority of the children in our Tribal communities. There was some reference as to the resources role of the council and elements of 501c3 status and the for profit situation. Chemise D. asked for the Council Email addresses to send out the next months council meeting notice.
FYI: The American Indian Council's purpose is to gather for round table updates and discussions on our programs, projects and events. The Councils goals are: 1. To maintain consistent and effective networking meetings in order to improve communication and strengthen mutual support for the benefit and empowerment of the Native American community. 2. The Council also serves as a unified advocate voice for community issues requiring our intervention.
Meetings are held the fourth Friday of the month except for November and December as the Council organizes the two Community Holiday Dinners.
In summary: the meeting adorned at 1:45pm and no one was elected. Chemise D. volunteered to send out the next months council meeting notice, May 25, 2012.
By Roy Cook |