TONKAWA: October Monthly Meeting

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TONKAWA: October 12, 2003 Monthly Meeting:
Notes and NEWS flash: January 2004 next meeting.

Jerry Starns and Nellie Ruiz are early arrivals to the TONKAWA meeting. In all, twenty eager TONKAWA members attended the meeting. Many were out of town or not in the best of health, our prayers continue for all the people. We were pleased to see Cilia and Manuel Flores in attendance. Manuel is still recovering from a stroke but he has full movement and no paralysis. Ronnie Whitehorse, Dine’, third year Nursing student at SDSU was visiting and interested in reviewing the health needs of some of the TONKAWA members.

Tonkawa President Esther Abrahano opened the meeting with a prayer. All the members’ linked hands in a circle and gave thanks in appreciation of the Creator’s gifts. There was some very fine eats from Jerry and many of the Tonkawa members, apple pie and guava jam, fresh fruit, cake and Ice cream with singing! I think Mary Cook and Helen Halling did some real justice to the remainder of the ice cream. Also, to wash it all down, Pepsi cola drinks and plenty of good hot coffee. Wow! What a feast. Announcements of activity adjustments (No meeting in November or December) and future community activities (Judith Jeannotte is running for the AIH Clinic board) were shared with the members. TONKAWA secretary, Roy Cook, distributed membership cards to those attending. Next distribution is at the January 2004 meeting, see you there.

Esther announced all were invited to the Indian Ministry later the same afternoon. Rose Davis shared the printed issue of the INDIAN VOICES for the enjoyment of TONKAWA members. Rose further announced that the last issue is on the web for all to enjoy.

TONKAWA associate member Jean Vigneault is continuing to mail the TONKAWA club newsletter to the membership. Don Vigneault called up the members for the gift exchange.

Finally, we bagged, bundled, buzzing about biding adieu and bye bye as we cleaned up the room. We again close the door of the Many Nations Chet Hunt community Center to fantastically finish a fabulous fun time with the most beautiful people in the world, TONKAWA Indian Elders. Mehan, Aho, thank you.

Respect Native American Traditions
5026 70th. Street
San Diego, CA 92115-1805
WebMaster: Ben Nance